Thursday, July 7, 2016


Hello, all!

I am an 18 year old female who has only recently found the faith. I grew up Protestant, spent years of my life denying God, and then on February 13th of 2016, I went to mass for the first time. In another post, I will give my entire conversion story, but that isn't the purpose of this post. I just want to introduce myself as a person, and hope that it's a good way to introduce everything about me before we start getting super into the faith. I don't want to be a faceless person, hiding behind the screen. I also hope to start youtubing as well, to talk about my conversion to the faith and all that I have learned.

I don't really know all of what I should say, but I want to introduce myself. So, I'm going to do a "Get to Know You - Catholic Edition" questionnaire thing that I will be creating now. Here we go!

  1.  Are you a Cradle Catholic or a Convert? Convert!
  2.  Who is your favourite Saint (besides Mary) and why? Hm... I'm learning a lot about a lot of Saints at the moment, but I'd have to say either Padre Pio, Augustine, Philomena, Maria Goretti, Jude, Michael the Archangel, Louis de Montfort, or JPII because I love each of their stories and what they are the patron saints of. I will probably be able to be able to answer this better once I've been involved longer in the faith!
  3.  Who is your favourite Pope and why? JPII because JPII is a Mary lover and makes me all happy inside, but I also haven't studied many of them, so...
  4.  Do you enjoy praying the Rosary or Divine Mercy Chaplet more? I love to pray the Rosary because I love meditating on Jesus' life through the eyes of Mary. I do love the Divine Mercy Chaplet, and especially love singing it. 
  5.  Do you enjoy going to Adoration? Adoration is honestly my favourite thing ever and I love it and I just... I would love to spend all my time in adoration. I love adoration. It makes me so happy to be around the Blessed Sacrament. 
  6.  Do you watch any Catholic youtubers? Yes! RebornPure, TheCatholicApologist, New Catholic Generation, Ali-Marie Thompson, and Ascension Presents are the ones that I can name off my head. I love them all a lot!
  7.  Do you have any Catholic themed social media? Yup! I have an instagram called @devotedtomary so! You can check it out if you want.
  8.  What Parish do you go to? St. Barnabas in Northfield right now, but when I go to school this fall I will be going to St. Thomas Moore in Bowling Green (the campus parish)!
  9.  What is your favourite scripture passage and why? 1st Corinthians 13:4-8... I love, love, LOVE this passage and it honestly has been my favourite since before I even found God. It has been my favourite passage. While others have been amazing and truly help me, I don't think I will love any passage as much as this one.
  10.  What is your favourite non-scripture quote and why? "You must know that when you 'hail' Mary, she immediately greets you! Don't think that she is one of those rude women of whom there are so many - on the contrary, she is utterly courteous and pleasant. If you greet her, she will answer you right away and converse with you!" - Saint Bernardine of Siena. I really love any quote about Mary, and this might not even by my MOST favourite, but at the moment, I really love this one. I love anything to do with Mary and I have an incredibly strong devotion to her. This quote reminds me that no matter what, she is there for me, at any point that I need her, and is always there the second I ask her to be. 
If you want to do this, go ahead and do it! If you want to add more questions, do that, and I'll answer those as well.  Anyways, there is my quick introduction post and I will post more soon!

God bless each and every one of you! <3